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Friday, October 5, 2007

Sam Harris; So Good!

Just a quick post to give you this link, and say that Sam Harris is So Good. Like the pie in Spiderman 3 - That good!

I'm not sure I'm entirely convinced, I'm going to need to give it more thought and see some other opinions on it, but he puts forward such a good argument (about why we should abandon the term "atheist," I'm even less sure about his spiritualism).

The reason I'm less sure is; how do we know that we'll ever find anything? What if this nirvana or whatever you want to call it doesn't actually exist? How do we know that sitting around doing nothing is the best way to find it? I'm not really prepared to spend 18 years of my life in a cave until I've seen some evidence that it will be worth my while. I'm not saying it's rubbish, just that I'm not convinced.

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